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About Me

Hello and welcome to my travel planning website! My name is Jacqui Barabasz and I am 32 years old. My family of four lives in North Aurora, which is just outside of Geneva, where my husband and I both grew up! I am currently a stay at home mom for my two children, Ava and Tyler. Ava is six years old and very excited to start 1st grade! Tyler is four years old and looking forward to starting his second year of preschool. For the past six years, I taught second grade but last year decided I was needed more at home and so here I am!


I have always enjoyed planning every aspect of my family's vacations since I was in middle school. My mom was more than happy to let me take the reins! Since I have become a mother I enjoy it even more! Every summer we try for a new location, usually in the way of a road trip because then we can visit more places.


Please let me help to make your vacation a success by letting me do the research to find the top rated, best priced locations, hotels, tours, or whatever interests you! I am well equipped to create your dream vacation!


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